At the August 21, 2020 regular membership meeting, the Eaton County Democratic membership adopted the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Eaton County Democratic Party (ECDP) membership holds the values of equality, fairness, diversity, and inclusion;

WHEREAS, the Eaton County Democratic Party stands for a plurality of ideas, experiences, and people;

WHEREAS, the ECDP believes that diversity of our membership, our candidates, and our communities strengthens us all;

WHEREAS, the ECDP promotes the inclusion of voices varied and disparate as our path forward;

WHEREAS, the ECDP membership believes Black Lives Matter;

WHEREAS, the voices of all minority citizens have been ignored, minimized, and marginalized for too long in the United States;

WHEREAS, the history of slavery in the founding of the United States must be acknowledged as an influence on our current culture;

WHEREAS, racism is a public health crisis in the United States;

WHEREAS, we have to work together to promote equity and eradicate racism;

NOW THEREFORE, the Eaton County Democratic Party membership resolves to be an organization and instrument of anti-racism, to promote the voices and experiences of Black and Brown Eaton County citizens, and to work on behalf of equality for all in Eaton County and Michigan.


If your values are represented in this resolution, you are welcome to join us at any time!

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